The Eco-Schools programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers children to lead change within their setting and have a positive impact in their wider community. Eco-Schools empower children, raise environmental awareness, improve the settings environment and also create financial savings for schools. It engages the wider local community, links to the curriculum and can help deliver Ofsted requirements.
In order to Achieve Eco Schools Bronze award. The setting should choose a variety or environmental topics to work on to help improve their setting. Once these topics are chosen an action plan will be carried out and display board should be created. An Eco Committee team will be made within the setting to ensure the topics are achieved and we make improvements as a team.
In order to Achieve Eco Schools Silver award. The setting should engage in regular Eco Meetings and record them. They should also update the eco board with activities from their action plan. The children should also voice their opinions and thoughts on the project and continue to carry out activities that help the environment.
The green flag award completes this project and shows the challenges and targets the Eco Committee have set for themselves and completed. The children will review each activity they have done and will discuss how the setting has improved and become better. An environmental review will be carried out and the project will be finalised.